StudentBody EE/AU


Who decides what? Do I, as a student, get any vote at all? Perhaps you asked yourself these questions.
The department of Electrical Engineering is host of plenty of committees and councils where students can give their opinions. At the head of the university is the Executive Board. They are responsible for the policy and day to day activities of the university.
A lot of cases however are decided at department level without the involvement of the Executive Board. A prime example of this is the education program. For this reason each department has its own board.

The StudentBody (SB)

The StudentBody (SB) is the centre of education participation at the department of Electrical Engineering. The StudentBody is run by four students of the department. Any student who has suggestions, complaints, or questions about the education can come to the StudentBody. But the StudentBody has more tasks:

  • Organization of the Panel of Education
  • Organizing the year councils
  • Support the students in the department council (DC/FR) and the program committee (PC/OC)
  • Organizing Explore Your Master
  • Distribute the yearly education award for the best teacher
  • Organizing the Education-barbecue for all students who are active in education participation
  • Organize elections for the program committee
e.t.s.v. Thor’s Commissioner of Education

The Commissioner of Education attends the student year councils along with the StudentBody, organizes exam trainings, updates the exam archive and helps solving little education related problems. Next to this, the Commissioner, or CO for short, stays in contact with the teachers and professors, indexed the titles and the amount of study book to be ordered and stays informed about the rapid changing education environment.

Year Councils

The year councils guard the quality of the education of their year and try to solve the problems that arise. They can be a bridge to the teachers and many small problems can be solved immediately. These problems include bad lecture sheets, schedule failures etc. If the problems are larger the StudentBody and the commissioner of education of Thor can present these problems at a higher level of education participation.
The following year councils exist:

  • First year council
  • Second year council
  • Third year council
  • Pre-master council
  • Master students council

If you want to join a year council, please send an email to or fill in your email adress below. You will then get the meeting requests of this year council. Of course, you are always free to come to one of these councils if you want to share some feedback, even if you did not get the meeting request.

    First Year CouncilSecond Year CouncilThird Year CouncilPre-master CouncilMaster Council